Innovation – Is it Chance?

In our last issue, we shared an article from a historical Syska newsletter called EZ Rizer. The story covered the firm’s donation of mechanical and electric services to the renovation of the house of Steven McDonald, a New York City police officer who was shot and paralyzed in the line of duty. In this issue, we feature a story from G. Venkata Ramu, a former principal and chief engineer at Syska Hennessy. His article, "Innovation – Is it Chance?" (Written in 1986).

“This is a great example of Syska’s thought leadership on new and creative ways to engineer our projects even back then,” says Michelle Galindez, Editor of Connections and Marketing Director. “I can’t wait to share more stories on this subject and am excited to feature an article from three decades ago along with a current article (authored by Rob Ioanna) in the same issue!”